Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sweetwater Creek_26April09

Snapped this little guy having an early morning snack at Sweetwater Creek State Park, located just south of I-20 west of Atlanta.

To see more pics click:

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Elliott Street Iron Pouring_24April09

I went to an Iron Pouring last night at the Elliott Street Pub in Altanta.

It was pretty awesome, like watching the 4th of July fireworks really, REALLY close!!!!

View the pics at:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

APG Model Shoot_21 April 09

This was one of the models from the APG portrait shoot last night.

You can see all the images at:

APG Model Shoot_21 April 09

One of the models at the APG photo shoot last night.

It was my first venture into model portraiture.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Paula Deen, The Neelys @ Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show

Originally uploaded by Infinity Fotos
Concluding a busy weekend, I ventured out to the Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show at the Cobb Galleria on Sunday.

Paula Deen, along with Gina and Pat Neely, were the Food Network TV stars on hand for live cooking demos.

I never realized how funny they were. You don't really get a sense of it looking on that screen in your living room. You have to see them in person.

View more pics:

Cochran Mill Waterfall 18 April 09

On the way back from the Georgia Renaissance Festival, I swung by Cochran Mill Nature Conservation Park to see how the falls looked.

We've had so much rain in the past month, I figured it was pretty full and running fairly well...I wasn't disappointed!

View the other pics:

Searching for A-List celebs and Renaissance men and women

After running to the Atlanta airport on Friday evening looking for a husband and wife A-list celeb couple, only to figure out they de-planed to a waiting limo and never came up through the baggage claim area, I slugged back home without any pics. Oh well, such is the life in the fast-paced world of celeb photography.

The next morning it was off to Fairburn for the 24th annual Georgia Renaissance Festival. It was a much easier shoot. Pretty much everyone there EXPECTS to have their pic snapped and they don't shy away from the camera.

A good example are these two swarthy pirates. Now, I haven't quite figured out how pirates of the Spanish Main fit into the Renaissance era, but these two were pretty photogenic.

View some more Renaissance pics at:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Atlanta Tax Day Tea Party_15 April 2009

It has been quite a while since I posted anything to my blog but I thought this was worthy.

It seems that CNN linked to this image on their blog the day after the Tax Day Tea Party in Atlanta.

Although I don't agree with what the blog-writer scribed, I hope I get some business bounce off of the link. Afterall, these are tough economic times and all of us small business owners are trying to survive.

Thanks to CNN, this image has been viewed over 2,300 times...the second-most viewed of my nearly 7,000 images on Flickr. The most-viewed is a U.S. Army Reserve Soldier - Hooah!!!!

To celebrate, I'll offer 10% off a location portrait package to anyone within the Atlanta-metro area if you tell me you saw this image linked on CNN Offer expires 30 May 2009. Hey, I do run a small business!!!!

You may visit my website at or send an email to

Here's the link to the CNN Money blog.

This image is the last link in the blog. (PLEASE NOTE: The opinions expressed by the writer of the CNN Money blog DO NOT represent those of this photographer!)